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Two Top Tips: What Makes an Engaging Video Product?

Updated: Aug 6, 2024

tips in video production

We could talk all day about the different ways in which we apply the skills accumulated over more than a decade to create engaging video material that people really want to watch. It is, after all, at the heart of our day-to-day activity here, and you’d hope we’d have built up some expertise in the matter.

Let’s zoom in, then, at two of the best pieces of advice we can offer to aspiring video creatives. Take on board these nuggets of knowledge and you’ll be well on the way to success.


Tell a Story; a Human Story

Whatever type of video you are creating, however long it is and wherever you are going to display it, you want your audience to feel an emotional connection with the material you put together. 

The simplest piece of advice we can offer is to ensure you are telling a story about a person, or people, at the heart of that content. People will watch more avidly if they care about the characters involved, so focus on the human-interest element of your material. 

We work a lot in the defence and security sector. That can mean we are filming exercises or military operations, and often our challenge is to ensure the finished product is character-led. We’ll often pick a character and use them to help relay the messaging the client wants to convey – why they are where they are and what it means to them etc. Using characters makes for more engaging and likeable content. 

We will sometimes give a soldier a GoPro camera and ask him or her to shoot some video clips of their POV.  This will often result in a story for Instagram or YouTube shorts – all under a minute, bringing to life the experience of being an individual at the heart of a major exercise. 

One of our colleagues embarked on the USS Gerald R Ford, the largest warship ever constructed, when it sailed across the Atlantic to Europe in 2022. While the sheer size of the ship made for some spectacular footage, what made the video come to life was getting one of the fighter pilots (who also happened to be his brother :-) to tell us stories about what it was like to live and work on such an enormous vessel.

Make an Instant Impression

It’s essential that you engage your audience’s attention instantly. The first five seconds are absolutely key, so put in some thought and work to make sure your content hooks the viewer in.

This advice holds true whether you are creating a 15-second clip for social media, or a longer piece of documentary content. You do not have very long to attract and hold a viewer’s interest, and if they have to wait longer than those first few seconds there is a real danger they will disengage and go elsewhere.

Ask Intrepid TV How We Can Help You

Of course, the best way to be sure you are creating a compelling piece of video that resonates with your audience is to ask us to make it for you.


We would be delighted to discuss with you the content you are planning, and the best way to bring it to life and make a quick and lasting impression on your audience. Please contact us to find out more.

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